I don't know if y'all are aware but Ebay is a great place to find Lilly Pulitzer and other great designer goods at a fraction of the price. I have also sold goods on Ebay too which is great if your looking for some extra cash. most of the money that I make from these sales goes to well, buying new Lilly, as my parent give me a certain amount of money ( called my clothing allowance) every 6 months. Although its a decent amount of money, it won't buy me much at Lilly or VV which is where i like to shop. so to make some extra cash I sell all my clothing that I either don't fit into or don't use anymore on Ebay.

The Lilly Pulitzer warehouse sale is also a great place to find Lilly's resort and spring merchandise from this year, dramatically marked down. I go every year with my mom and sister along with my mom's friend and her girls who also happen to be Lilly obsessed. Every year i walk away with Lilly goodies discounted from 50-90% off. you never know what they will have so you can't walk in there with your mind set on one particular item as you may not find it. Although they may not have every item they do have a huge selection, especially if your looking for strapless dresses or wedges (that was just my experience last year, the selection varies each year). The drive is a little long for us new englanders but a three hour car ride is a small price to pay for a warehouse filled with miss Lilly P's works of art on SALE!

Consignment shops are also a great way to get some designer goods that are lightly used for a good price. I recently picked up a pink brooks brothers cashmere cable knit sweater for about 35 dollars at my local consignment shop.